4 NOVEMBER - 16 DECEMBER 2023








    BB&M is pleased to present New York-based painter Miko Veldkamp’s first solo exhibition in Asia. His work was first shown at BB&M in the spring of 2022, as part of Dream Life, a group show of young American painters organized by the internationally renowned curator Dan Cameron. Since then Veldkamp has continued to garner critical attention with an institutional solo exhibition at London’s Southwark Park Galleries in the fall of 2022 and, most recently, a two-person show at Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York.


    Veldkamp’s work melds his Surinamese, Dutch, and New York past and present experiences together, drawing on elements both private and public, from art history, family photo albums, folklore, landscape, and nature. His dreamy, mesmerizing canvases depict psychological spaces imbued with colonial histories and conflicting yet intertwined cultural narratives exploring shifting notions of personal authenticity at the intersection of the North-South and East-West cultural axes. 

    In the present show, Veldkamp continues to delve into these subjects while exploring new patterns in his visual vocabulary, abstract and figurative as well as structural and textural. In these recent works, a translucent palette suffused with light, contrasted with darker tones achieved through thinly layered brushstrokes, gives expression to a rich expanse of dreams and reality, the interior self and the external world. The artist himself and members of his family often inhabit these scenes. The recurring figure on a bicycle is also another version of Veldkamp, tracing a fluid trajectory through present reality and a past recalled or imagined. Suspended in some liminal space, the figures in his work appear as both specific memories and surreal specters. Light and shadows, reflection and fragmentation, patterns both geometric and organic all combine to shuffle linear concepts of time and space, producing another kind of order and rhythm on the canvas. 
    The artist has spoken of his method as a kind of dive into memory and trauma. Deploying a candid, intimate visual language that conveys a sense of melancholy both deeply personal and distinctly contemporary, he has captured how collective memories permeate societies and cultures and how identity is performed and community is maintained within them.

  • ABOUT THE ARTIST Miko Veldkamp received a BFA from Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, and an MFA from Hunter College,...


    Miko Veldkamp received a BFA from Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, and an MFA from Hunter College, New York. Recent solo and two-person exhibitions include BB&M, Seoul (2023); Nathalie Karg Gallery, New York (2023); Long Story Short, New York (2023); Southwark Park Galleries, London (2022); and Workplace, London (2022). Group exhibitions include The Here and There, New York (2023); Workplace, Newcastle, UK (2023); Althuis Hofland, Amsterdam (2022); Workplace, London (2022); BB&M, Seoul (2022); Swivel Gallery x Regular Normal, New York (2021); among others. His work was recently selected to be featured in New American Paintings (2023).